Medical negligence cases are among the most difficult to prove and are defended vigorously by the medical professionals

Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice

Medical professionals are highly trained and skilled practitioners who nonetheless commit negligence when treating or caring for patients. Hospitals and other medical facilities also are guilty of injuring patients through negligent practices or failures of oversight. If you or a loved one was injured and suffered damages due to the negligence of a medical provider, you can bring a tort claim against them, though you will be met by defense lawyers with considerable resources who will aggressively defend the doctors, nurses, chiropractors, and facilities who are accused of injuring you or a loved one.

Medical Malpractice

What is Medical Malpractice?

A physician, nurse or any other medical provider has an obligation to exercise care when treating or caring for a patient and must adhere to a standard of care. In Ontario, this means that the provider must meet “that degree of care and skill which could be reasonably expected of a normal, prudent practitioner of the same experience and standing.” Similarly, a hospital is held to a standard of care that usually involves preventing defects in its system and policies when caring for a patient. However, hospitals are not held vicariously liable for the negligence of physicians in its facility as they are considered independent contractors and not hospital employees under Canadian law, unlike interns and residents.

A medical malpractice claim is one of negligence and the principles of this cause of action apply. The elements of a medical negligence or malpractice claim are:

  1. Duty of care—the physician must have treated the patient. If so, the provider owes a duty of care to the patient to provide the degree of care and skill that the average medical provider practicing the same specialty would provide
  2. Breach of the duty of care–the doctor’s conduct fell below or breached the standard of care by not properly diagnosing the patient’s condition, or by otherwise not providing the degree of care expected.
  3. Causation–the doctor’s error or failure to abide by the standard of care must be the cause of the patient’s injuries and damages or, if not for the doctor’s error or breach of the standard of care, the patient would not have been injured. This can be demonstrated by a showing that the patient’s condition worsened because of the error.
  4. Damages–the patient suffered damages. This includes medical expenses, lost earnings, and pain and suffering.

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    Examples of Medical Malpractice

    As  noted, physicians must adhere to a standard of care when treating or caring for patients. This includes taking a thorough medical history, performing a proper examination and ordering applicable lab tests, interpreting and reporting the results, referring and consulting with other physicians, recognizing and acting upon symptoms so as to arrive at the correct diagnosis, disclosing to the patient the risks of a procedure, obtaining informed consent from the patient, prescribing proper medications, doing proper follow-up, and providing proper therapy and treatment options.

    The following are other common examples of medical malpractice:

    Failure to diagnose

    This can include a misdiagnosis as well. If a provider does not correctly diagnose esophageal cancer and instead labels the patient’s complaints as a bad cough and where the correct diagnosis at the time would have vastly improved the patient’s chances for recovery or a longer life, this could be medical negligence. To sustain a claim, the error must have been one that a similar physician exercising reasonable care and skill would not have made. Also, the error must have led to delayed care, improper care, or no care at all which led to a worsening of the patient’s condition.

    Delayed diagnosis

    Similar to a failure to diagnose, a delayed diagnosis means that the condition becomes worse to where surgery or extreme measures must be taken. If a prudent practitioner of the same experience and standing would have diagnosed the patient’s condition under the same set of circumstances, then the subject physician’s omission fell below the accepted standard of care. The physician’s failure to consult with other physicians or to refer the patient to a specialist who could have correctly diagnosed the patient or earlier may also be considered malpractice in certain circumstances.

    Medication Errors

    Errors in the type or dosage of medication are not uncommon. If the dosage was incorrect, severe complications can develop. If delayed, it can lead to death.
    Medication errors occur as a result of:

    • Poorly written or oral communication
    • Understaffing
    • Failure to take proper precautions or follow established protocol
    • Inexperienced or ill-trained staff
    • System errors

    Negligence may be found if the physician or provider:

    • Prescribed the incorrect medication
    • Administered the wrong dosage
    • Delivered an unintended medication
    • Failed to take the patient’s history and allergies
    • Failed to inform the patient of the risks associated with the medication
    • Failed to account for an adverse reaction to mixed medications

    Medication error claims also include pharmacists who may have delivered medication to the wrong patient or improperly prescribed it.

    Anesthesia Errors

    Anesthesia is administered during various procedures so that the patient does not feel pain. The medical care provided by the anesthesiologist must meet the accepted standard of care. Errors in anesthesia may include the following:

    • Excessive anesthesia
    • Too little anesthesia so that the patient may experience pain while not being able to communicate to the doctor or nurses
    • A delay in delivering anesthesia
    • Delivering the wrong type of anesthesia
    • Failing to monitor and recognize severe reactions to anesthesia or to interactions with other medications
    • Failing to determine if the patient is allergic to the anesthesia and administering it either accidentally or intentionally
    • Failing to take into consideration the patient’s positioning during anesthesia administration that affects the patient’s blood pressure or blood supply to the brain that can result in death or brain damage
    • Defective equipment

    Complications that can arise due to inadequate delivery or other errors can be catastrophic or fatal. There can be brain damage if there is inadequate oxygen to the brain, a condition called hypoxia. An error can also lead to paralysis, stroke, seizures, malignant hyperthermia, and death.

    Birth Injuries

    One of the more devastating consequences of medical malpractice is a child injured before, during or just after birth because of a medical error or omission. Common types of birth injuries are:

    • Fractures
    • Hypoxia leading to brain damage (umbilical cord compression or strangulation)
    • Cerebral palsy
    • Skull injuries
    • Brachial plexus or Erb’s palsy (nerve damage that can result in arm paralysis)
    • Facial paralysis
    • Cephalohematoma
    • Shoulder dystocia

    Some of these injuries are the result of a failure to monitor the fetus which may be displaying signs of distress and not receiving enough oxygen. Improper use of forceps or vacuum extractors can cause serious injuries. Along with the attending physician or obstetrician, other responsible parties can include the delivery room staff, hospital staff, obstetric nurses, and doctor who negligently provided pre-natal care or failed to anticipate potential complications that a doctor with similar skills and experience would have noted in the exercise of reasonable care.

    The symptoms of a birth injury may be apparent at birth or while the child is developing. You may find that the child is not meeting certain milestones such as crawling, standing or walking. The child may also demonstrate a lack of muscle coordination or have learning challenges.

    Surgical Equipment Left in Body Cavity

    Surveys from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show that surgical instruments such as sponges or tools are left in patient bodies in 12% of surgeries or about 6000 cases per year. In Canada, a report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found the rate to be 8.6 of every 10,000 hospital discharges.

    A patient may begin experiencing discomfort shortly after surgery that if persistent will show that the tool is the culprit after a diagnostic test. Other patients may go for months or even years before the cause of the extreme pain or complications is uncovered.

    Hundreds of instruments and tools can be used during a surgery but all must be accounted for. A sponge or tool left in a body cavity can lead to infections, internal hemorrhaging, and death.

    Failure to Obtain Consent

    Before you are provided certain care such as surgery or other treatment, your provider is obligated to review with you the side effects, potential complications, and risks such as stroke, heart attack, emotional or cognitive changes, and others. Anything that could conceivably occur needs to be reviewed. If your doctor failed to inform you of a certain risk or complication that does occur and you suffer a severe reaction or condition that causes serious injury, you may have a claim for malpractice.

    Issues in Pursuing a Medical Malpractice Claim

    Medical malpractice claim are notoriously difficult to handle, which is why having an experienced and highly skilled Brampton medical malpractice lawyer from Affinity Law is essential. Canadian physicians are protected by the Canadian Protective Medical Association (CPMA), which will vigorously defend the practitioner in a medical negligence claim. Of all medical negligence claims, 55.2% are dismissed or discontinued and 36.7% are settled. Of those claims that do go to trial, around 6.5% are found in favor of the doctor and 1.6% in favor of the patient. However, many of the claims that are dismissed or abandoned are because the legal practitioner failed to adequately investigate the claim, lacked the resources to continue to prosecute or litigate, or simply lacked the skills to pursue them.

    If you or a loved one has a potential malpractice claim, there are certain facets of it of which you need to be aware:

    • All records need to be obtained. This includes any correspondence with the hospital or doctor, pamphlets that you were given, consent forms, bills, and any other records and documents related from all medical providers whom you saw for this case.
    • A team of experts is necessary who will advocate on your behalf. Having second, third and even fourth opinions on your case is beneficial, especially if they all confirm that a preventable error was the cause of your injuries and damages.
    • At least one expert is needed to establish the applicable standard of care that your provider was required to follow and to testify or report how your provider deviated from that standard or breached his/her duty to adhere to it.
    • There must be a direct connection between the alleged error and the condition or injury. Your experts must demonstrate that the doctor’s deviation from the standard of care directly led to the injury.
    • The medical provider will have to show that the error was unintentional and occurred while he/she was providing quality medical care that was consistent with and met the applicable standard of care.
    • You have 2-years from the date of the surgery or last time you received care from the doctor to file a lawsuit or it is waived.
    • If you are under 18, the 2-year statute of limitations is tolled, or delayed, until 2-years after your 18th
    • Even if the physician or staff committed an error, you have a high burden in showing that your injury and damages were the direct result of the error and would not have occurred but for the error.

    There is a cap on general or non-pecuniary damages such as pain and suffering in medical malpractice cases of $380,912 with some exceptions in particularly egregious cases. There is no cap on pecuniary damages such as past and future medical expenses, lost earnings, and burial and funeral expenses.

    If an error or omission in care or treatment is shown, the doctor can often prevail by introducing defense medical experts who will testify that the condition or injuries were caused by some other condition or would have occurred regardless of the alleged error. If a court determines that the defense experts are more credible or that your experts have not proved to its satisfaction that malpractice occurred or that it was the direct cause of your damages, you will not prevail. A poor result or outcome of a procedure or treatment is not enough to sustain a malpractice claim. Some conditions are difficult to treat and a doctor cannot be considered a guarantor of a favorable outcome. If you were informed of the known risks and complications such as infection or stroke, the provider will not be found liable. If more than one treatment option was available and acceptable by the medical community but which turned out poorly, the provider is not responsible.

    Also, unless your condition or injury is severe or serious, few legal practitioners will pursue the claim even if the error clearly constituted malpractice.

    For any medical malpractice claim brought to us, you can expect a Brampton medical malpractice lawyer from Affinity Law to:

    • Obtain a detailed history from you or family
    • Determine if your damages are significant enough to purse the claim
    • Accumulate all medical records pertaining to your claim from every practitioner who cared for you or the family member
    • Carefully review, identify and analyze the medical issues relating to the standard of care
    • Provide the records to medical experts to review and provide opinions on negligence, causation, and damages

    Call a Brampton medical malpractice lawyer from Affinity Law if you or a loved one suffered serious injuries and damages from a suspected medical error. We will take the time and effort to explain our procedures for handling such cases and give you an informed opinion about the possibilities for a satisfactory resolution of your claim.

    If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

    1 844 786 5291

    or email us at

    (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

    We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
    Brampton, Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.

    A dog bite is usually a nip or a small tear to your hand or leg, but in some cases the dog can leave permanent and disfiguring scars,

    Breaks and Fractures

    Breaks And Fractures

    Fractures & Broken Bones

    A bone fracture means there is a break in the continuity of any bone. Individuals can suffer from broken bones in almost any part of the body, from the skull or spine to the ribs, arms, legs, or pelvis.

    Fractures can result from falls, impact injuries, or another traumatic events. People working in dangerous occupations, e.g. industrial workers and those who have been involved in car accidents, bicycle or truck accidents are particularly at a high risk of suffering from a broken bone. Bone fractures are usually very painful and often incapacitate the individuals from performing routine tasks.

    Depending on the location of the bone and the type of fracture that occurred, different treatment and pain management techniques are used.

    Toronto Serious Injuries Lawyers
    Fractures & Broken Bones

    Types of Fractures

    Below is a non-comprehensive list of various fractures that are commonly experienced by individuals involved in accidents etc.

    Complete fracture – this happens when the bone fragments are entirely separated
    Simple fracture – occurs when the bone breaks but does not puncture the skin
    Compound fracture – happens when bone breaks and pierces the skin.
    Compression fracture – usually occurs in the spine, where one or more vertebrae collapse
    Displacement fracture – occurs when the broken bone moves from its original location to a strange angle
    Incomplete fracture – occurs when the two bone fragments are still partially joined
    Spiral fracture – occurs where some part of the bone has been twisted

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      The best option for any fractures or broken bone injuries is prompt and appropriate medical attention, either by surgery or through a cast or sling, pain management or any other type of non-surgical treatment.

      However, even after these remedies, fractures can still result in serious and permanently debilitating complications for patients, occasionally resulting in multiple surgeries or amputations.

      Below are some of the long-term effects of bone fractures:

      • Permanent reduced range of motion and loss of use;
      • Permanent or partial loss of use or disability;
      • Chronic pain;
      • Nerve damage;
      • Joint problems;
      • Anxiety and depression;
      • Loss of strength; and/or
      • Arthritis

      Suffering from any of the above long-term effects can affect your job, employ ability, and the standard of living (social, recreational, and family life).

      Depending on your case you may be entitled to compensation for these injuries including money for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, out-of-pocket expenses (including medical expenses, transportation costs etc.), cost of future care, past and future wage loss, and loss of earning capacity.

      Talk to us to – we can advise you on the next steps

      Our lawyers have a unique advantage on other law-firms in our area of practice. We have previously defended insurers that you are fighting, and we intimately know the criteria that is applied in the claim calculation process. We effectively advocate for our client’s best interests with that advantage.

      If you or a loved one have suffered a fracture injury because of another party’s negligence, the experienced personal injury lawyers at Affinity Law can help evaluate your specific case to determine whether you have a valid claim.
      We have a remarkable track record of victories in handling cases involving all types of personal injuries and accidents, including catastrophic injuries, motor vehicle accidents, work accidents, slip and falls and industrial accidents.

      Contact our office at or 1 844 786 5291 for a free consultation. We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.We serve the whole Greater Brampton Area including Hamilton, Caledon, Brampton and Ajax.

      If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

      1 844 786 5291

      or email us at

      (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

      We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
      Brampton, Hamilton, Caledon, Brampton and Ajax.

      A dog bite is usually a nip or a small tear to your hand or leg, but in some cases the dog can leave permanent and disfiguring scars.

      Bipolar & Mood Disorders

      Bipolar & Mood Disorders

      Long-term disability (LTD) insurers are usually hesitant to approve claims of psychological illnesses such as depression or bipolar disorder. Even if your treatment provider (family doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist) supports your claim, your LTD provider can deny your application.

      In these challenging situations, it is crucial to hire a skilled and experienced disability lawyer who can guide you through the process of appeals and, if necessary, file a carefully structured claim against your insurer.

      Bipolar & Mood Disorder Lawyers Toronto

      Trauma-Induced Mental Disorders

      Lots of individuals do not realize that accidents (like a car or work-related accident etc.) can cause a lot more than just physical injury. People can suffer harmful mental and emotional distress which can sometimes be more devastating and life-altering than even the most serious physical injury.

      Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder and Depression

      Bipolar disorder is a condition that causes a person to experience periods of depression and altered mood. According to CAMH Bipolar disorder typically consists of three states:

      • a high state, called mania
      • a low state, called depression
      • a well state, during which many people feel normal and function well

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        Most people experience some emotional ups and downs, but the mood swings for those suffering with bipolar disorder are more severe.

        According to the Government of Canada public health services, about 1 in 50 adults aged 25-44 years or 45-64 years reported symptoms consistent with bipolar disorder at some point in their lifetime. Nearly 9 out of 10 Canadians who reported symptoms that met the 12-month criteria for bipolar disorder (86. 9%) reported that the condition interfered with their lives.

        Individuals with bipolar disorder and depression frequently suffer from incidents of extreme sadness, feeling miserable, anxiety and confusion. With increasing intensity, the individual may struggle to cope with overwhelming feelings and distress which can sometimes take form of acts of self-injury.

        Bipolar Disorder symptoms may include, but are not limited to:

        • Inflated self-esteem, uncritical self-confidence and poor judgement.
        • Incoherent speech that others find difficult to interrupt.
        • Distractibility.
        • Disregard for consequences or risks.
        • Restlessnes spacing and decreased need for sleep.
        • Irritability or angry outbursts.

        Depression symptoms may include but are not limited to:

        • Feeling sorrowful, anxious, empty, nervous, hopeless, worthless or guilty.
        • Having no or little interest in social or other activities like hobbies, sexual activity and leisure activity.
        • Difficulty sleeping.
        • Feeling restless or lethargic.
        • Not being able to concentrate or make decisions.
        • Memory issues.
        • Poor appetite and /or involuntary weight loss or gain.
        • Pain or physical symptoms not related to an illness or injury.
        • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

        The appropriate diagnosis of bipolar disorder, early intervention and constant support and therapy are vital to the well being and recovery of individuals suffering from this illness.Causes of Depression are not exactly known, but are thought to include chronic pain, stress, substance abuse, and genetic factors. Treatment usually consists of talk therapy and/or medication.Treatment for bipolar disorder involves a combination of counseling and pharmacotherapy (mood-stabilizing or antidepressant drugs).

        How Affinity Law Can Advocate for Your Mental Illness

        Most insurers, employers and co-workers do not have sufficient understanding regarding the challenge of living with mental illness and its effects. This makes dealing with it a lot more difficult and challenging and leaves people feeling isolated.

        The experienced Brampton disability lawyers at Affinity Law are long-term advocates for people with mental disorders that have dramatically altered their lifestyle. If you or somebody you love has been suffering an injury accident of any sort or has their disability claim denied, then you should not wait to contact our firm as soon as possible. We pride ourselves on delivering the best legal representation to those who need it most.

        Contact Us

        Our lawyers have a unique advantage on other law-firms in our area of practice. We have previously defended insurers that provide disability insurance. We intimately know the criteria that is applied in the claim denial process and we effectively advocate for our client’s best interests, fighting the very same insurance providers that have denied your disability claim.

        If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at 1 844 786 5291 or email us at We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve. We serve the whole Greater Brampton Area including Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.

        If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

        1 844 786 5291

        or email us at

        (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

        We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
        Brampton, Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.

        Bicyclists and pedestrians have the same right to the roadways as motorists and in many instances have additional protections.

        Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents

        Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents

        Bicyclists and pedestrians have the same right to the roadways as motorists and in many instances have additional protections. Motorists who unlawfully turn into bike lanes, who fail to give a bicyclist enough space, or who neglect to stop or notice pedestrians legally crossing the roadways are liable for the often catastrophic injuries and damages caused by their negligence. Retain a Brampton personal injury lawyer from Affinity Law to represent your interests if you have a bicycle or pedestrian injury claim.

        Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents Lawyer Toronto
        Bicyclists and pedestrians have the same right to the roadways as motorists

        Bicycle Accidents

        Bicycles are a wonderful and healthy mode of transportation. However, if you ride on city or suburban streets, you should be as conspicuous as possible to motorists and obey all traffic laws since you are obligated to do so. Wearing colorful clothing, having lights on your bike for night riding, staying within marked bike lanes and obeying the traffic laws can reduce your risk of being in an accident.

        Also, be aware of the common causes of bicycle accidents by motorists:

        • Dooring (motorist opens door in pathway of bicyclist)
        • Driving in a bike lane
        • Passing a cyclist too closely
        • Failure to yield to bike at an intersection
        • Distracted driver
        • Impaired driver
        • Turning in front of cyclist at light or stop sign
        • Poorly designed bike lanes

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          Other factors that lead to accident are road and weather conditions and a defect in the bike that affects the tire or it braking.

          Drivers should maintain at least 3-feet of space between them and bicyclists and not drive in bike lanes unless making a turn. Before entering a bike lane, the motorist should signal and ensure that no bicyclists are at risk. Motorists in parked vehicles also have a duty to safely open their car doors so as not to interfere with an approaching cyclist.

          In some cases, a poorly maintained road surface or defectively designed bike lane could leave a municipality liable for a cyclist’s injuries. If the bicycle was negligently manufactured or serviced, the manufacturer or the bike shop that performed the service could also be found responsible. These cases are usually brought if the injuries are severe and permanent since insurers for these parties will vigorously defend their insureds, and negligence can be difficult to prove. Consult a Brampton bicycle accident lawyer from Affinity Law if you were injured in a bicycle accident from the fault of another party.

          Proof of Negligence

          Typically, in a third party injury claim, the onus is on the plaintiff or injured party to prove that another party’s negligent conduct caused the accident. However, where a bicyclist or pedestrian is the one injured in an accident with a motor vehicle, there is a “reverse onus” pursuant to Section 193(1) of the Highway Traffic Act. This section presumes that the motorist was negligent so that the burden of proof is upon the motorists to demonstrate that they acted reasonably. If they present evidence of their reasonable conduct, then the claimant must present evidence that rebuts it. In many bike accident cases, liability or the degree of fault is challenged so that having an experienced Brampton bicycle accident lawyer from Affinity Law is essential so that you can pursue a third-party claim against the responsible motorist.

          Currently, only minors are required to wear bicycle helmets in Ontario. But you could be found comparatively negligent in an accident even if it was caused by a motorist if you suffered a head injury that evidence shows could have been prevented or minimized if you had worn a helmet. In such cases, your compensation would be decreased by your own degree of fault.

          Accident Benefits

          Accident Benefits are available to injured parties in motor vehicle accidents regardless of who was at fault. Injured bike riders can look to their own auto policies for benefits, or to that of a household member such as a parent who possesses a policy. If no policy is available, the injured rider can obtain benefits from the involved vehicle’s insured. If the motorist was uninsured, then the last resort for benefits is through the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund.

          A claimant needs to notify the insurer from whom benefits are sought within 7-days of the accident. You will receive an Application from the insurer for which you have 30-days to complete and submit. The form Includes a Disability Certificate to be completed by a health provider along with a Treatment Plan if you are unable to return to work or to normal or household activities for any period of time.

          Your Accident Benefits include:

          • Income replacement (up to the first 104 weeks if employed and you suffered a substantial inability to perform your work. You may receive more than 104 weeks if you are totally unable to perform work). The maximum payable is $400/week but you may receive more if you paid a higher premium.
          • Non-earner benefit of $185 per week if you suffered a total inability to carry on a normal life. Payments begin after 26-weeks have passed. You can receive $329 per week if a student or you had completed education in the year before the accident but were not yet employed.
          • Caregiver benefits if you were a caregiver at home and suffered a catastrophic injury, and you were not being paid.
          • Medical and rehabilitation if not covered by OHIP or other health and disability plan. You can receive up to $50K over 10-years, but only $3500 if it is a minor injury. In a catastrophic case, you may obtain up to $1M over your lifetime.
          • Housekeeping benefit in catastrophic injury cases or if you are substantially unable to perform household services that you actually had performed for up to $100 per week.

          Third Party Claims

          As an injured rider receiving Accident Benefits, you can also pursue compensation against the responsible party for pain and suffering as well as for lost income and future medical expenses that were not covered under your Accident Benefits. To have a valid third-party claim, your injury must meet a threshold standard, which is that your injury be a permanent serious impairment of an important physical, mental or psychological function, or a serious and permanent disfigurement.

          A $30,000 deductible remains with the responsible motorist’s insurer if your award for pain and suffering is less than $100,000.

          Your claim for additional compensation if you meet the threshold injury standard may include the following damages:

          • Pain and suffering
          • Diminished quality or enjoyment of life
          • Past and future medical expenses
          • Psychological impairment
          • Past and future income loss
          • Family Law Act claim by close family members

          You have 120-days from the date of the accident to notify the other party of your intention to claim damages, and 2-years from the accident to file your claim in court.

          Pedestrian Accidents

          A pedestrian is any person on foot, a scooter, long board, wheelchair or bicyclist. When lawfully crossing the street, a pedestrian who is struck by a vehicle is presumed under the law to have had the right of way and fault is ascribed to the motorist pursuant to Section 193 of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, referred to as the “reverse onus’. In other words, the motorist has the burden of proving that he/she was not negligent or responsible for causing the accident. In the typical injury case, the plaintiff or victim has the burden of proving the defendant’s negligence caused the accident. Once the pedestrian demonstrates that she was hit by the motorist, the driver has to prove that he acted lawfully and reasonably under the circumstances.

          Any age group is vulnerable to motorists when crossing the street or being on the roadway attending a disabled vehicle or for any other reason, though seniors 65 and older seem particularly at risk probably due to moving more slowly across the street or in not being aware of approaching cars from poor eyesight or hearing. They may also be more likely to cross against the light.

          Injuries in a pedestrian accident can be catastrophic, even if the impact was slight since you can be thrown to the pavement and suffer a traumatic head injury. Other injuries include:

          • Broken limbs
          • Fractured pelvis
          • Internal organ injuries
          • Spinal injuries, including paralysis
          • Death

          Factors in Pedestrian Accidents

          The factors that lead to pedestrian accidents are numerous:

          • Impairment
          • Distraction—cell phone use by driver or pedestrian
          • Poorly lit or illuminated intersections or roadways
          • Motorist turning at intersection and not seeing pedestrian in crosswalk
          • Speeding
          • Failing to yield to pedestrian
          • Passing car that had stopped to allow pedestrian to cross
          • Failing to stop at signal light or stop sign

          A motorist might argue that the pedestrian was at fault for causing his own injuries. If he can prove the pedestrian was crossing outside of a marked or unmarked crosswalk, was impaired, distracted, or created a dangerous condition such as running into the street, then a court might determine that there is no liability on the part of the motorist or impose a degree of comparative liability on the pedestrian. If the pedestrian was jaywalking, the court will want to determine if the person did not keep a proper lookout before crossing, or if the motorist should have seen the pedestrian in any event and avoided the accident.

          If the pedestrian is found to be partly at fault, the damages awarded would be reduced by his degree of comparative fault. Ontario’s comparative negligence law can be characterized as a “pure” standard. In the US, many states have a modified comparative negligence standard where the plaintiff’s own negligence cannot be more than 49% or the claim will be dismissed. In Ontario, any degree of comparative negligence will not be fatal to an injury claim, even if it is 99%. It only reduces the damages awarded by the plaintiff’s percentage of fault.

          Compensation in Pedestrian Injury Claims

          A pedestrian injured by a motorist can collect Accident Benefits from their own auto liability police if they have one, or from the at-fault driver’s policy. All auto liability policies in Ontario are required to have these benefits.

          You can collect non-pecuniary damages, or pain and suffering, if your injury was serious and permanent, a serious disfigurement or loss of a limb, or a permanent serious impairment of an important physical, mental or psychological function

          A claim for Accident Benefits must be submitted within 30-days of the accident. Eligible recipients may recover the following benefits:

          • Income replacement –Pays up to $400 weekly if your injuries prevented you from working. You can purchase optional benefits for increased payments up to $1,000 per week.
          • Non-earners—Compensates you for up to 26-weeks if disabled from engaging in normal daily activities at $185 per week
          • Caregiver—If you are the main caregiver for a dependent and unable to no longer care for them, you can be compensated for hiring someone else. This only covers certain injuries but you can purchase optional coverage that includes all injuries
          • Medical and rehabilitation—Pays for reasonable and necessary expenses not covered by a government or supplementary health plan
          • Attendant care—Expenses for hiring a caregiver for yourself due to the injuries caused by the accident
          • Other—Covers possible lost educational costs, housekeeping and home maintenance expenses, and items damaged in the vehicle
          • Death and funeral expenses–$25,000 is paid to your spouse, $10,000 to each dependent, and up to $6,000 for funeral costs. Optional coverage can increase these amounts to $50,000 for your spouse, $20,000 to each dependent, and up to $8,000 for funeral costs.

          In serious cases, your insurer will often attempt to settle your Accident Benefits claim though a settlement cannot be offered until one year from the date of the accident. Once you settle, you can no longer claim these benefits. A settlement can also affect any other claim for additional compensation that you may bring against the motorist who struck you. Be sure to consult with a Brampton pedestrian injury lawyer from Affinity Law if you have been offered a settlement.

          Limits on Medical Payments

          Medical payments are limited to $3,500 for care not covered by OHIP and if your injuries are deemed “minor” by the insurer. For injuries between “minor” and “catastrophic,” you may claim medical benefits up to $50,000. You are covered for up to $1M for catastrophic injuries such as loss of a limb, vision, paraplegia, or traumatic brain damage.

          Pain and Suffering

          Under Canadian law, you are limited in the amount of non-pecuniary damages you can receive, which includes pain and suffering or your diminished ability to enjoy life as you did pre-injury. The cap on these damages is raised annually per the rate of inflation and is currently at $380,912.00. Only the most egregious injuries are awarded the maximum amount.

          There is no limit on pecuniary or economic damages that covers past and future loss of earnings, medical expenses and care.

          The law also imposes a deductible on injury awards in car accident cases. As of 2019, there is a deductible of $38,818.97 on awards less than $129,395.49. The deductible does not apply for awards exceeding that amount. These amounts are adjusted yearly for inflation.

          Hit and Run Accidents

          Unfortunately, a high number of pedestrian accidents result in the motorist fleeing the scene without stopping to offer assistance, call for help, or to provide the required identification. Many drivers flee for a variety of reasons:

          • Panic
          • They are on probation for a prior criminal offense
          • Intoxication or other impairment
          • Driving a stolen vehicle
          • Unlicensed or driving on a suspended license
          • Uninsured
          • Possess or transporting contraband
          • Undocumented immigrant
          • Unaware of accident

          If the driver remains unidentified, the pedestrian can still claim Accident Benefits under the unidentified or uninsured provision of their own auto liability policy or one that covers them. If they do not have a policy, they can still collect benefits under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund (MVACF). They may still bring a tort claim against the MVACF as well. Third party claims brought under the unidentified or uninsured provision or against the MVACF are limited to $200,000.

          Pedestrian accidents are not always clear-cut cases of liability. Also, there are often other issues such as collection of Accident Benefits and bringing a claim against the responsible motorist or an uninsured claim. To be sure you are compensated to the fullest extent possible, consult and retain a Brampton pedestrian accident lawyer from Affinity Law.

          Call us today for a free consultation at 1 844 786 5291

          If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

          1 844 786 5291

          or email us at

          (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

          We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
          Brampton, Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.

          Also called premises liability claims, these are accidents that occur on someone else’s property, whether it is private or public.

          Slip and Fall Accidents

          Slip and fall accidents

          Slip and fall accidents are a common type of injury claim. Although senior citizens may be particularly at risk because of balance issues and fragile physical conditions, anyone can be the victim of a slip and fall accident because of the negligence of a property owner. If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, do not hesitate to contact one of our Brampton personal injury lawyers at Affinity Law.

          If you’ve been injured you may be entitled to compensation

          Injuries from slips and falls can be minor to extremely serious. These can include:

          • Sprained ankle
          • Torn knee ligaments
          • Broken arm, pelvis, leg or ankle
          • Facial fractures
          • Fractured tailbone
          • Kneecap fracture
          • Concussion or traumatic brain injury

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          All property owners, commercial and private, also referred to as “occupiers, “have a legal duty to keep their premises reasonably safe from hazards that could injury anyone lawfully on their property”. The severity of the injury may depend on the condition of the surface where the victim fell as well as the physical condition of the claimant. However, it is irrelevant if the person who fell was in poor physical condition and prone to serious injury from even a slight fall that would not have likely resulted in a serious injury to a person in normal or good physical health.


            Slip and falls can occur on any type of property, including:

            • Roadways
            • Retail stores
            • Grocery stores
            • Sidewalks
            • Parks
            • Public or private restrooms
            • Private residences
            • Schools
            • Bars or nightclubs
            • Parking lots or garages
            • Malls
            • Offices
            • Apartments

            By promptly retaining one of our highly experienced Brampton injury lawyers after a fall, you have a greater opportunity for obtaining the most compensation available for your claim.

            Causes of Slip and Falls

            There are numerous factors that can lead to a serious slip and fall accident:

            • Slick or icy surface
            • Torn carpeting
            • Uneven surfaces or steps
            • Wet entrance mat
            • Broken step
            • Protruding objects
            • Lack of handrail or a defective one
            • Object or debris on the floor
            • Poor lighting on a stairway or other commonly used passageway

            Many slip and fall accidents occur in the winter months when sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, and residence and store entrances are slippery from ice and snow. In grocery stores, liquid from a broken bottle, a dropped piece of fruit, or freshly mopped or waxed floor can present hazards that store owners must warn patrons about or take steps to remove. In a residence or office building, there may be faulty steps, torn carpeting, or a defective handrail that can lead to severe injuries.

            What is Reasonable Care?

            Ontario law requires that property owners take reasonable measures to ensure that those persons lawfully on their property are free from harm due to slick surfaces, broken steps, uneven surfaces, or any other condition that could reasonably cause harm to someone. If a person does suffer an injury from a slip and fall, the court will look at what measures or practices the landowner undertook to fulfill his or her duty of reasonable care. For example:

            • Did the property owner maintain a routine procedure for inspecting the property?
            • Was there a schedule for inspecting and cleaning the property?
            • If a hazard was found, what steps were taken to warn persons of the risk?
            • How long had the hazard been present before the accident occurred?
            • Had the owner been previously alerted to the hazard?
            • Did the owner clearly post a warning to others about the hazard?

            Obviously, a commercial business owner who invites and encourages people to come onto the property will be scrutinized to see what safety measures were taken to ensure the property was free of hazards. For instance, were the food aisles in a grocery store inspected on a routine or standard basis such as every two hours? If a floor surface was uneven or slick, were there signs warning patrons of the risk? Is there a record of the inspections? Landlords of rented apartments also have a duty of care toward their tenants to keep common areas safe and to warn of hazard within leased units or in the common areas.

            In case of a trespasser, the landowner’s duty of care is only to “…not create danger with the deliberate intent of doing harm or damage to the person or his or her property and to not act with reckless disregard of the presence of the person or his or her property.” Occupier’s Liability Act. In other words, the landowner may not set a trap or set out to purposely create a dangerous condition that physically injures the trespasser or person committing a criminal act on the property.

            However, a person who trespasses willingly accepts the risk of injury from hazardous conditions as does a person who signs a waiver of liability. Signed waivers are routinely seen in situations where people undertake certain recreational activities for a fee. But if you are engaging in a recreational activity for which no fee was charged, such as walking or playing in a park, wilderness area, or forest trail, then you have also willingly assumed the risk of harm. However, the risk of harm is not assumed where there is an unexpected hazard that the landowner knew or should have known about and failed to remedy. An example is that of child who is injured from a swing in a public park that broke because the metal chains holding it were worn out.

            Other circumstances where a landowner or occupier could be held liable include:

            • Not cleaning a spill within a reasonable time
            • Not posting clear warnings about hazards such as uneven steps, holes, broken stairs, or other hazards
            • Failing to remove ice from a driveway or walkway that the occupier knew of or should have known about
            • Neglecting to inspect the property before visitors arrive to a residence
            • Inadequately maintaining stairways or walkways (rotten railing or structure)
            • Providing alcohol to visitors that results in a foreseeable injury (intoxicated person wanders off an unprotected balcony during the evening)

            For municipalities, their degree of responsibility is found in the Ontario Municipal Act (2001). In cases of municipal liability for slip and falls on a sidewalk, the municipality must have been “grossly negligent,” which is a higher burden of proof for the claimant to show. Also, If you are injured on city or provincial property, you have only 10-days to give notice of your injury unless circumstances prevented you from giving timely notice. For all other slip and fall claims, you have 2-years from the date of the injury to file your claim in court.

            Your Brampton slip and fall lawyer from Affinity Law can demonstrate liability on the part of the occupier by reviewing inspection reports, if any, and having experts examine the floor, sidewalk, step, handrail, balcony, or other defect or condition that caused the accident. In some cases, witnesses can attest to how long the defect or hazard had been present.

            Responsibility of the Claimant

            Anyone who was injured in a slip and fall accident in Ontario also has a duty to look out for his or her own safety. You can be held fully or partially responsible for your own injuries if you were less than responsible for your own safety. These situations might include:

            • Being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs unless alcohol was supplied by the landowner and the injury reasonably foreseen to the owner
            • Wearing inappropriate footwear for the type of surface where the fall occurred
            • Failing to notice an open and obvious hazard
            • Running on a known icy or slick surface
            • Ignoring a prior warning of a hazard

            If you are determined to be partially responsible, your damages will be decreased by your percentage or degree of fault. Because most insurers in slip and fall cases will attempt to lay some or all of the blame for the accident and injuries on the claimant, you will need a knowledgeable Brampton slip and fall lawyer to prosecute your claim.

            Damages in a Slip and Fall Accident

            Damages in a slip and fall accident can be substantial. Typically, they may consist of the following:

            • Past and future loss of income
            • Past and future medical expenses
            • Rehabilitation costs
            • Housekeeping and home maintenance expenses
            • Loss of enjoyment of life
            • Pain and suffering
            • Family members claim for loss of the injured person’s care, companionship, and guidance and other financial losses

            Your Brampton slip and fall lawyer from Affinity Law can obtain all documentary and testimonial evidence to support damages, including your medical records and billing and paystubs or employment records. A medical report from your treating physician or health care provider can detail the history of your injury, symptoms, your physical condition before the fall, the severity of the injury, rehabilitation period, complaints of pain, and your inability to perform work, routine daily activities, or recreational activities. Because demonstrating proof of your damages can be as complex proving liability, it is vital that you consult with one of our experienced Brampton injury lawyers from Affinity Law as soon as possible to avoid submission/notice related delays in filing your claim.

            Call us today for a free consultation at 1 844 786 5291.

            If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

            1 844 786 5291

            or email us at


            (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

            We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
            Brampton, Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.
            Psychological and PTSD Claims

            Psychological and PTSD Claims

            Many people experience some level of depression, stress or anxiety at various times in their lives.But if your stress, anxiety or depression was caused by an accident or injury, can you recover compensation for your psychological condition if it impairs your ability to perform your job or to engage in normal, routine activities? Is it necessary that a physical injury be the cause or trigger for a legal claim of psychological injury or post-traumatic stress disorder? These are all questions, issues, and considerations that an experienced psychological damages lawyer from Affinity Law can address for you.

            Psychological and PTSD Claims
            Psychological and PTSD Claims

            Claims for Mental Distress or Anguish

            In many personal injury lawsuits where an injured person is bringing a claim based on the negligent conduct of another person or entity, the claimant will allege damages for medical expenses, lost income, diminished quality of life, pain and suffering, and psychological or mental distress. Mental distress claims can include a wide array of symptoms:

            • Anxiety and stress
            • Depression
            • Phobias
            • Changes in mood and personality
            • Post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD)
            • Sleeping problems or disturbances
            • Weight fluctuations or inconsistent eating patterns
            • Nausea
            • Diarrhea
            • Chronic fatigue
            • Lack of sexual desire
            • Mood swings, irritability and aggression
            • Lack of interest in social activities
            • Chronic pain

            It is necessary that a medical professional relate these symptoms to mental distress so as to prove a causal connection to the accident or incident as being the direct cause of your distress.

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              Types of Lawsuits Involving Mental Distress

              Any personal injury lawsuit can include a claim for mental anguish, anxiety, or distress such as:

              • Car accidents
              • Pedestrian accidents
              • Medical malpractice
              • Product liability
              • Premises liability
              • Wrongful death
              • False arrest
              • Intentional torts—sexual assault, sexual abuse, unlawful imprisonment
              • Sexual harassment

              Although not essential to sustaining a viable claim for psychological harm, the more severe the incident or accident, the more credible your claim. Your psychological damages lawyer from Affinity Law can help with proving the seriousness of your injury so that you can collect the benefits to which you are entitled.

              Is Physical Injury a Prerequisite?

              Physical injuries are not a prerequisite for alleging psychological damages though most cases do involve a physical injury that leads to emotional distress or other psychological harm. You can bring a claim for psychological distress harm against a negligent party if it meets a two-part test:

              1. The emotional or psychological injury was a foreseeable consequence of the defendant’s wrongful or negligent conduct; and,
              2. The psychological injury you are suffering fromis serious enough to be a recognizable psychological condition or illness

              A recognizable psychological injury or condition is typically one found in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM)-VI used by psychologists and psychiatrists when diagnosing patients. If your symptoms fit the criteria of a condition such as post-traumatic stress disorder that is severe or critical enough, you can be awarded certain benefits and your claim can go forward toward collecting additional compensation in a third-party claim. The threshold or standard to pursue a third-party claim for a physical or psychological injury is “a serious and permanent impairment of an important physical, psychological or mental function,” or one that has severely affected your ability to engage in your daily living activities.

              Some unusual cases of psychological distress claims that Canadian courts have allowed to continue include:

              • Prison inmates sued the federal government for “uncomfortable detention” wherein they allegedly were denied lack of access to sunlight, a barber, sufficient library resources, and adequate sleep resulting in extreme depression, erosion of self-worth, feelings of hopelessness, and nervous shock.
              • A Calgary resident who sued a grocery co-op after she was banned for shoplifting alleged defamation, shame, loss of family honor, and which led to her husband’s suicide.
              • An Ontario motorist who was allegedly speeding, texting and under the influence of alcohol sued 3 bicyclists whom she ran over and caused serious injuries to one and fatal injuries to another alleged her own psychological suffering including PTSD, extreme depression, and catastrophic impairment and anxiety. She did claim the cyclists did not have lights on their bikes, were not wearing helmets, and were not riding in a “prudent manner.”

              Although these claims may seem extreme, there are often issues that news reports do not include that would justify or support reasonable and highly plausible allegations of mental distress. In the majority of accident cases where psychological harm is alleged, there are serious and credible factors that cause injured victims severe distress that diminishes their enjoyment of life and ability to function normally.

              How to Prove Emotional Distress

              While Canadian courts allow a claim for emotional distress without an accompanying allegation of a physical injury, your opportunity for receiving substantial compensation is heightened if there is a physical injury element. Usually, the more serious or traumatizing the injury, the better chance the claimant has to prove that he/she did suffer emotional distress. For example, a person who suffered a permanent disfiguring scar on her face, or who is permanently impaired and in chronic pain and may never work in his chosen career or pursue a favorite activity has a much more provable claim of depression, anxiety, and distress than someone who alleges a strained back or repairable torn cartilage in his knee has caused him or her extreme anxiety.

              While Canadian courts allow a claim for emotional distress without an accompanying allegation of a physical injury, your opportunity for receiving substantial compensation is heightened if there is a physical injury element. Usually, the more serious or traumatizing the injury, the better chance the claimant has to prove that he/she did suffer emotional distress. For example, a person who suffered a permanent disfiguring scar on her face, or who is permanently impaired and in chronic pain and may never work in his chosen career or pursue a favorite activity has a much more provable claim of depression, anxiety, and distress than someone who alleges a strained back or repairable torn cartilage in his knee has caused him or her extreme anxiety.

              Other factors that can demonstrate severe distress include:

              • Duration of the condition—the longer you suffer on-going and chronic pain, the more credible is your claim that you are suffering severe emotional distress
              • Related bodily harm or condition—your distress is accompanied by physical signs of distress
              • An extreme underlying cause—you were a victim of a bombing, robbery where you were shot or stabbed, kidnapped, raped, or survived a car accident where one or more persons in your vehicle died or suffered gruesome injuries
              • Loss of employment—you lost your job as a result of your physical injuries
              • Medical records confirming nature and extent of your injuries
              • Psychiatric or psychologist’s records confirming visits, medications, and therapies
              • Physician’s report confirming your symptoms

              If you demonstrate certain physical signs, this can be essential in proving that your psychological distress is real and sustainable. These are difficult claims to pursue that will require the skills of an experienced psychological damages lawyer from Affinity Law or an insurer will likely deny your claim.

              Family Law Act

              Immediate family membersthat includes spouses, children, siblings, parents, and grandparents can also pursue a separate claim for pain and suffering or emotional harm if a loved one suffered serious and permanent injuries or was killed in an accident. These damages are for the loss of the loved one’s guidance, comfort, care, or companionship.

              Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

              A consequence of a particularly distressing or traumatic accident or incident such as a serious car accident,combat, a horrific natural disaster, sexual assault,pervasive sexual abuse or harassment is the onset of PTSD. This is a recognized psychological disorder characterized by feelings of anxiety, panic or fear from a triggering factor that can cause them to re-experience the trauma even if they are not in imminent danger of physical harm.  PTSD can present as intense or serious an impairment as any physical injury.

              Assault victims can sue their assailants for emotional distress or PTSD if they exhibit the recognized symptoms in civil court, even if the defendants are not prosecuted in criminal courts. The civil standard for holding a defendant liable for civil damages is less than that for criminal defendants and is not dependent on the defendant being found criminally responsible. Along with seeking damages for emotional distress, a victim can also pursue damages for lost income, medical expenses, and any other financial losses attributed to the defendant’s negligence or criminal conduct.

              Mental health professionals have classified PTSD and its symptoms into 3 distinct categories:

              1. Re-experiencing symptoms and suffer flashbacks and nightmares
              2. Intentionally avoiding symptoms—staying away from triggering events that can revive the traumatic incident, experiencing memory loss, emotional numbness, avoiding social contacts
              3. Hyper-sensitivity—overly sensitive, quick to anger, being constantly on edge, trouble sleeping

              Car accident victims may suffer injuries that extend beyond the physical ones. It is not uncommon for an injured claimant to experience panic, anxiety, an extreme reluctance to drive a car or even be a passenger. This can cause substantially interfere with a person’s enjoyment of life or ability to engage in routine, daily activities. However, insurers typically are skeptical of PTSD claims and will require significant proof and medical or psychiatric documentation that you are indeed suffering form this condition and that it is severe enough to interfere with your ability to perform your job or to engage in routine, daily activities. For this reason, retaining a PTSD lawyer from Affinity Law soon after your accident can prevent any rejection or delay in receiving benefits.

              Car accidents are the most prevalent incident that leads to PTSD in those claiming emotional harm in lawsuits or claims since they are the most common personal injury claims. This is unsurprising given the millions of cars on our highways and roads every day. Some estimates are that 10% of car injury victims experience PTSD to some degree. Risk factors that can precipitate PTSD from a car accident include:

              • Severe or traumatic car accidents
              • A serious physical injury
              • Other vehicle occupants were severely injured or killed
              • You felt that your life was threatened
              • You may have had a prior traumatic experience
              • There is a history of mental illness
              • You mentally re-experienced the trauma shortly after the accident
              • There is a history of drug and substance abuse that has unduly influenced your mood and behavior
              • There is a family history of PTSD

              Limits on Damages for Pain and Suffering or Emotional Distress

              Damages for pain and suffering, which includes psychological or emotional distress, in Canadian courts are limited. Before your claim is even eligible for a non-pecuniary (non-economic) award, you must prove that your psychological injury in this case has resulted in “a serious and permanent impairment of an important physical, psychological or mental function.”

              If your claim meets this threshold test, then your non-pecuniary damages award is statutorily limited to a current cap of $380,912, a figure that fluctuates annually depending on the rate of inflation. However, your award in an Ontario court is subject to a deductible of $38,818 unless your award for pain and suffering is at least $129,395.49 as it currently sits. For example, if you are awarded $100,000 for emotional distress, it will be reduced to $61,182.00. If your award was $40,000, you would receive only $1,182.00. Any award that does not exceed the deductible will result in your not receiving any non-pecuniary damages. There is no cap or limits on economic losses, which includes lost income and medical expenses.

              For family members who are able to claim non-pecuniary damages for their loved one’s catastrophic injuries, their damages are subject to a current deductible of $19,409.49, unless their loved one died in which case the deductible does not apply to reduce the award. Their claims, however, must exceed a floor of $64,697.21 before the deductible can be waived. These deductibles increase by a rate of 1.6% annually.

              Retain a Psychiatric or Psychological Damages Lawyer

              Obtaining benefits for emotional distress or for suffering from PTSD as a result of the negligent or wrongful conduct of another person can be difficult. There are significant barriers to overcome, complicated applications to complete for benefits, deadlines to meet, and medical and other documents to obtain. Having an experienced and dedicated personal injury lawyer from Affinity Law to handle your case from the outset can significantly increase your opportunity to receive benefits and reasonable compensation for your damages.

              Call us today for a free consultation at 1 844 786 5291.

              If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

              1 844 786 5291

              or email us at


              (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

              We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
              Brampton, Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.

              Car, truck, RVs, or motorcycle accidents are the most common injury claims since there are millions of motor vehicles that travel on our roadways each day.

              Motor Vehicle Accidents

              Brampton Car Accident and Injury Lawyers

              Car, truck, RVs, or motorcycle accidents are the most common injury claims since there are millions of motor vehicles that travel on our roadways each day. Every driver has a duty to exercise ordinary care while driving, which means obeying the traffic laws and keeping a lookout for road hazards. But even car accidents where liability appears evident can have issues that can prevent you from realizing the full value of your claim. Having a Brampton car accident lawyer from Affinity Law on your side gives you the best opportunity for a satisfactory resolution of your motor vehicle accident claim.

              Personal Injury Lawyer Toronto
              Car, truck, RVs, or motorcycle accidents are the most common injury claims

              Car Accidents

              It is relatively easy to get a driver’s license and to obey the traffic laws, such as stopping at stop signs and red traffic signals, not speeding, not drinking and driving, not using a smartphone, and generally being focused and attentive to driving. Unfortunately, many drivers ignore commonsense, drive well over the posted speed limit or what is safe for conditions, and violate basic traffic laws. The most common causes of car accidents are:

              • Speeding
              • Following too closely in traffic
              • Unsafe lane changes
              • Impaired driving—alcohol and drugs
              • Distracted driving
              • Fatigue
              • Weather
              • Defective road design
              • Poor road maintenance
              • Defective tire, steering, braking or other mechanical failure

              Despite decades of public campaigns and stricter laws, penalties and enforcement measures, drunk and drugged driving remain a major cause of serious and fatal car accidents. Distracted driving, which usually means use of a smartphone while driving, has become as serious a menace as impaired driving.

              In some cases, the condition or design of the road where the accident occurred may have been a contributing factor in the accident. For example, a curve did not meet industry standards regarding its design; a sign was missing that could have warned of a hazard or it was obscured by overgrown vegetation. In other cases, a defective roadway barrier may have failed to keep a car from leaving the roadway or traveling into the opposite lane of traffic.

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                No-Fault or Accident Benefits

                Brampton has a no-fault insurance or Accident Benefits system whereby you can claim certain compensation from your own auto insurer in an accident regardless of who was at fault. Benefits include medical treatment, costs of rehabilitation, replacement of lost wages, caregiver benefits, and others.

                In non-catastrophic cases or where your injuries are not life-altering, you can receive up to $100,000 in benefits over 10-years in med/rehab benefits. For catastrophic cases, you can receive up to $1,000,000 over the course of your lifetime. Income replacement means you may receive 80% of your net pre-accident income as averaged from the 26 of the 52-weeks that preceded the accident. You may not receive more than $400 weekly, though you can receive more if you paid a higher premium on your insurance.

                To recover additional compensation from the at-fault driver such as for pain and suffering or for emotional distress, you must demonstrate that your injuries were “serious and permanent.” This includes disfigurement or impairment of an important physical, mental, or psychological function.

                Damages in a Brampton car accident claim may include:

                • Past and future medical expenses
                • Past and future income loss
                • Diminished enjoyment of life
                • Disfigurement
                • Pain and suffering
                • Family members’ claims under the Family Law Act

                Pain and suffering, or non-pecuniary damages, are cappedwith yearly increases. The cap is currently at $340,000 in Brampton.

                Motorcycle Accidents

                Motorcycles are fun to ride, are economical, and take up little space on city streets or garages. However, riders are vulnerable to any minor mishap that can cause them to lose control or be propelled from the bike, easily causing fatal or catastrophic injuries such as paralysis, traumatic brain injury, severely broken limbs, permanent disfigurement, and other life-altering injuries.

                About 80% of all motorcycle accidents result in injuries as compared to just 20% for passenger vehicles, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Riding a motorcycle also increases your risk of being in a fatal accident by at least 15 times over that of driving or being a passenger in other motor vehicles.

                You may take all necessary precautions including wearing protective clothing and a helmet and driving defensively, but still be at the mercy of reckless and inattentive motorists.

                The most common factors leading to motorcycle accidents include:

                • Left turns at intersections
                • Unsafe lane changes by drivers
                • Motorists’ failure to see motorcyclist when entering a roadway from side road or driveway
                • Poor weather
                • Slick road surface
                • Uneven pavement
                • Roadway defects or objects on the road
                • Rider inexperience
                • Failure to maintain a proper distance
                • Rear-end accidents at stop lights and stop signs
                • Motorcycle design and manufacturing defects (fuel system leaks)
                • Poor service or maintenance of the bike
                • Alcohol or drug impairment by rider or motorist

                Motorcycle riders are generally perceived as reckless individuals and their version of the facts are often dismissed as not credible if challenged by that of an involved driver of a passenger vehicle. It is not uncommon for an experienced Brampton motor vehicle accident lawyer to use experts in accident reconstruction or human factors in order to prove liability.

                Truck Accident

                Trucks, or large commercial vehicles such as tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers, or semis, can easily cause catastrophic or fatal injuries to occupants of smaller vehicles. These road behemoths can easily weigh 80,000 pounds or more, depending on its load, as compared to a typical passenger vehicle that weights 4,000 pounds. Although there are far fewer of these vehicles on our roadways, 1 in 5 fatal crashes on Brampton highways involves a large commercial truck, according to the Brampton Provincial Police.

                There are numerous causes of a truck accident:

                • Fatigue
                • Impaired driving from drugs or alcohol
                • Distracted driving such as texting while driving
                • Speed
                • Unsafe loading
                • Faulty tires
                • Unsecured loads
                • Defective hitches

                Trucking companies and drivers are heavily regulated. For example, drivers are limited in the number of hours they can drive in a day and over a period of time, must pass physical examinations, and be subject to drug testing. Truckers must maintain logs that contain data on the loads they carry, the number of hours they are driving, rest periods, fuel, and inspections among other things. Most trucks have so-called black boxes on-board monitors that contains this data and other mechanical and operating information that can contain clues to how or why an accident occurred.

                Finding and holding the responsible party to account is not always so simple. For example, the truck and its trailer may be owned by different parties. Some other party might have improperly secured the load. If there was a steering or brake issue, still another party might have negligently overlooked or serviced the problem or produced a defective part. Compounding the liability issue is that each party may have different insurers who will seek to impose fault on anyone other than their own insured.

                Having a diligent, resourceful and knowledgeable Brampton accident lawyer from Affinity Law is essential if you want your injury claim diligently and professionally handled so that you can obtain the most compensation available for your injury.

                Call us today for a free consultation at 1 844 786 5291

                If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

                1 844 786 5291

                or email us at


                (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

                We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
                Brampton, Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.

                Have you suffered an injury where you are no longer able to work or will be off work for a substantial period?

                Disability Claims

                Brampton Long Term & Short-Term Disability Claims

                Has your Short-term (STD) or Long-term disability (LTD) claim been denied?

                If you have been denied for Short-term (STD) or Long-term disability (LTD) claim, it’s important to know that you may have the right to sue. The denial of a disability claim can adversely impact your life with dire consequences ranging from social, financial, mental and physical complications. It is always advised to have strong legal representation that can advocate for your rights.

                Due to your disability, you may be unable to temporarily or even permanently continue employment. High medical costs and loss of income can also be quite frightening. At Affinity Law, our experienced Brampton disability lawyers can help protect your rights and fight to get you the maximum compensation possible.

                The nature of every Long-term disability (LTD) and Short-term disability (STD) claim is unique. Our Brampton long term disability lawyers help you navigate these unique claims and help you in confidently reaching a beneficial settlement.

                Has your Short-term (STD) or Long-term disability (LTD) claim been denied?

                If you have recently had an LTD claim rejected or stopped receiving payments prematurely, we can help. Qualifying for a disability claim at the time of your claim denial is very important. Connect with our experienced and compassionate Brampton employment lawyers at Affinity Law, who will help fight for your rights.

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                What are the Most Common Reasons for Denial of a Long Term or Short-Term Disability claim?

                There can be various reasons why the disability claims can be denied. The following outline some (not all) of the possible reasons that can lead to a denial.

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                  Policy Language

                  In many cases, insurance policies have a legal language with a specific definition of ‘total disability’ including but not limited to:

                  • Incapacity to perform your job without injuring yourself
                  • Inability to correctly complete your job duties without harming yourself
                  • Presence of questions such as ‘are you completely disabled?’
                  • If due to sickness or injury you are unable to perform the material and substantial duties of
                    Your regular occupation
                  • Have a 20% or more loss in indexed monthly earnings due to that sickness or injury
                  • Clinical notes and records of your family physician

                  In such situations, employer/insurer may also deny coverage based on a policy exclusion clause.

                  Unfair Policy Modifications & Termination

                  Your insurance company may also unfairly terminate your long-term or short-term coverage. Below are some scenarios that may fall under this umbrella.

                  • Unfair termination of the policy without the presence of adequate time or sufficient cause
                  • Modification in particular clauses of the policy without giving you sufficient time or notice
                  • Disability definitions or requirements may be changed

                  Incomplete documentation

                  A qualified long term or short-term disability claim may be rejected due to a lack of complete information or documents. For any disability claim to be considered, complete and valid reasons and supporting documentation (medical or otherwise) is essential.

                  Disability claim documentation may include but not limited to:

                  • Complete medical records including the tests, blood work reports, doctor’s diagnosis along with treatment protocols and long-term prognosis
                  • Complete Employment information – job duties, responsibilities confirmed by employer, nature of the job, duration of employment
                  • Impact of the injury on your daily life – supported with evidence of you being unable to perform simple daily tasks necessary for living

                  Time Limits

                  Every disability insurance policy has certain time limits in which claims need to be filed. Insurance companies can reject disability claims not filed within specified time limits.Not attending medical appointments or providing medical documentation are other reasons that can result in claim denials.

                  Which Injuries Qualify for LTD And STD?

                  Coverage of STD and LTD benefits are majorly dependent on your insurance policy. An employee may be entitled to short-term disability benefits if they are considered to be continuously totally disabled for a specific time period.

                  Injuries arising as a direct result of motor vehicle accidents (car/bike/boat etc.) and slip and fall cases are generally included under the coverage. The treatment time is different for every disability, based on the intensity of injuries and the time required to get back to normal health.

                  A long term and short-term disability claim can include several types of injuries causing disability including physical and mental disabilities. Chronic pain, fractures, partial or full body paralysis etc. are types of physical disabilities while examples of mental injuries include (but not limited to) anxiety, depression, phobias, Post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), mood swings, irritability and aggression.

                  These illnesses and injuries can adversely affect your ability to work temporarily or permanently, giving you a valid reason to file a disability claim.

                  Medical conditions that may qualify for long term or short-term disability claims include but are not limited to:

                  • Addiction
                  • Professional Athletes Disability
                  • CPP Disability
                  • Mental Health Issues (Depression and Anxiety)
                  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
                  • Fibromyalgia
                  • Arthritis
                  • Bipolar Disorder
                  • Chronic Pain
                  • Headaches & Migraines
                  • Cancer
                  • Military Disability
                  • Kidney Failure
                  • Employment Termination arising from LTD/STD
                  • Neurological Disorders
                  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
                  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
                  • Heart Disease & Stroke
                  • Other Health Issues

                  What Are the Long Term and Short-Term Benefits That I Am Entitled to Under the Insurance Policy?

                  Long term and short-term disability insurance policies can be purchased privately by individuals or are provided by employers to their employees.

                  Generally, the benefits covered under the policy differs based on the issuing company, policy terms, and conditions, duration, and amount of coverage. Typically, disability benefits refer to income given to the
                  claimant for a specified period until they are unable to work due to an injury or illness.

                  As a claimant, you may be required to complete a ‘qualifying period’ to be eligible for the disability benefits. On satisfactory completion of this period, you will need to complete a valid disability claim application. The next step is to submit this application along with all the requisite supporting documentation to your insurer.

                  You may be required to undergo treatment or rehabilitation suggested by the insurance company and any other conditions as per the terms of the policy document. The exact amounts of the disability benefits are determined as per the policy terms and conditions. As a general rule, monthly benefit amounts are between 50-85% of your pre-injury monthly income.

                  Taxability rules may differ and need to be checked as per specific insurance policy terms.Alternative options include reinstatement into the previous or similarly matched job role with your ex-employer or opting for a lump-sum full and final settlement.

                  Retaining our expert Brampton disability lawyers can help you navigate the many legal complexities involved in the disability claims process.

                  What Are LTD/STD Disability Claims Deadlines?

                  It is of vital importance, to adhere to the noted policy deadlines, if you are planning to make a disability claim. Failing to adhere to these deadlines, gives the insurance companies an exposed reason to deny your request.

                  Different policies often have varied timelines based on the issuing company, coverage plan, and the amount. It is essential to review your long term or short-term disability policy to avoid missing the vital deadlines. It is advisable to submit the disability claim with supporting evidence and complete documentation within the time limits specified in the policy.

                  If your disability claim has been denied, contact our experienced Brampton disability lawyers today. Schedule your free consultation to understand the legal options available to you.

                  How Can I Sue My Insurance Company?

                  If you have received a disability claim denial, you may have a case against your insurance company. It is very common for the insurance companies to have unfairly breached the contract or denied a disability claim unreasonably. It is important to speak to a Brampton disability lawyer immediately to understand the legal options available to you.

                  Every case is unique, and we can advise you on the different options available. A few of the methods that can be used are mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

                  Mediation is a negotiation process that involves a third party. In this process, parties resolve the dispute amongst themselves with the help of the mediator, who is a neutral third party.

                  Arbitration involves a neutral third party who has the power to make decisions. It is a more formal method as compared to mediation. The arbitrator’s decision is legally binding on both parties.

                  Litigation involves the courts and is often considered the final approach. Our lawyers have many years of court room experience to advocate on your behalf and protect your interest. We assist you in preparing the claim against your insurer advocating strongly for your entitlements and rights that are being denied.

                  Why Do I Need A Lawyer?

                  At Affinity Law, we help our clients navigate complicated and puzzling legal requirements of disability claims. Our expert Brampton long term disability lawyers help you understand your rights and secure the maximum possible compensation you deserve.

                  Our lawyers know how to fight for your rights and entitlements that the insurance companies, either partially or completely, are not willing to grant. We can help you secure those rights as we have for hundreds of our clients. If your claim has been denied or not being handled by the insurer properly, call us today; it does not cost you anything to speak to us.

                  Our lawyers specialize in the following Disability claims in Ontario:

                  • Long-term Disability
                  • Short-term Disability
                  • Bipolar & Mood Disorders
                  • Fibromyalgia
                  • Depression & Anxiety
                  • Chronic Pain
                  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
                  • Life Insurance
                  • Critical Illness

                  It is of vital importance to be aware of your rights and options with respect to a denial of benefits and to understand that you can pursue a court action against your insurer. We can assist by helping you understand the legal terminology, providing the legal options available and advocating fiercely for your rights.

                  What are the Costs Involved for a Disability Claim?

                  At your free initial consult, we answer every question with refreshing honesty and candor and make recommendations that protect your interest. We invest time to understand you. We work on a contingency basis which means that unless we win a settlement, we will not seek any payment.

                  Call us at your earliest convenience to schedule your free consultation.

                  Contact Us

                  Our lawyers have a unique advantage over other law-firms in the practice of disability claims. Our lawyers have previously defended insurers that provide disability insurance. We intimately know the criteria that is applied in the claim denial process and we effectively advocate for our client’s best interests, fighting the very same insurance providers that have denied your disability claim.

                  If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

                  1 844 786 5291

                  or email us at


                  (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

                  We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
                  Brampton, Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.

                  A dog bite is usually a nip or a small tear to your hand or leg, but in some cases the dog can leave permanent and disfiguring scars,

                  Breaks and Fractures

                  Breaks And Fractures

                  Fractures & Broken Bones

                  A bone fracture means there is a break in the continuity of any bone. Individuals can suffer from broken bones in almost any part of the body, from the skull or spine to the ribs, arms, legs, or pelvis.

                  Fractures can result from falls, impact injuries, or another traumatic events. People working in dangerous occupations, e.g. industrial workers and those who have been involved in car, bicycle or truck accidents are particularly at a high risk of suffering from a broken bone. Bone fractures are usually very painful and often incapacitate the individuals from performing routine tasks.

                  Depending on the location of the bone and the type of fracture that occurred, different treatment and pain management techniques are used.

                  Toronto Serious Injuries Lawyers
                  Fractures & Broken Bones

                  Types of Fractures

                  Below is a non-comprehensive list of various fractures that are commonly experienced by individuals involved in accidents etc.

                  Complete fracture – this happens when the bone fragments are entirely separated
                  Simple fracture – occurs when the bone breaks but does not puncture the skin
                  Compound fracture – happens when bone breaks and pierces the skin.
                  Compression fracture – usually occurs in the spine, where one or more vertebrae collapse
                  Displacement fracture – occurs when the broken bone moves from its original location to a strange angle
                  Incomplete fracture – occurs when the two bone fragments are still partially joined
                  Spiral fracture – occurs where some part of the bone has been twisted

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                    The best option for any fractures or broken bone injuries is prompt and appropriate medical attention, either by surgery or through a cast or sling, pain management or any other type of non-surgical treatment.

                    However, even after these remedies, fractures can still result in serious and permanently debilitating complications for patients, occasionally resulting in multiple surgeries or amputations.

                    Below are some of the long-term effects of bone fractures:

                    • Permanent reduced range of motion and loss of use;
                    • Permanent or partial loss of use or disability;
                    • Chronic pain;
                    • Nerve damage;
                    • Joint problems;
                    • Anxiety and depression;
                    • Loss of strength; and/or
                    • Arthritis

                    Suffering from any of the above long-term effects can affect your job, employ ability, and the standard of living (social, recreational, and family life).

                    Depending on your case you may be entitled to compensation for these injuries including money for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, out-of-pocket expenses (including medical expenses, transportation costs etc.), cost of future care, past and future wage loss, and loss of earning capacity.

                    Talk to us to – we can advise you on the next steps

                    Our lawyers have a unique advantage on other law-firms in our area of practice. We have previously defended insurers that you are fighting, and we intimately know the criteria that is applied in the claim calculation process. We effectively advocate for our client’s best interests with that advantage.

                    If you or a loved one have suffered a fracture injury because of another party’s negligence, the experienced personal injury lawyers at Affinity Law can help evaluate your specific case to determine whether you have a valid claim.
                    We have a remarkable track record of victories in handling cases involving all types of personal injuries and accidents, including catastrophic injuries, motor vehicle accidents, work accidents, slip and falls and industrial accidents.

                    Contact our office at or 1 844 786 5291 for a free consultation. We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.We serve the whole Greater Markham Area including Hamilton, Caledon,
                    Brampton and Ajax.

                    If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

                    1 844 786 5291

                    or email us at


                    (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

                    We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
                    Brampton, Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.

                    Bicyclists and pedestrians have the same right to the roadways as motorists and in many instances have additional protections.

                    Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents

                    Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents

                    Bicyclists and pedestrians have the same right to the roadways as motorists and in many instances have additional protections. Motorists who unlawfully turn into bike lanes, who fail to give a bicyclist enough space, or who neglect to stop or notice pedestrians legally crossing the roadways are liable for the often catastrophic injuries and damages caused by their negligence. Retain a Markham personal injury lawyer from Affinity Law to represent your interests if you have a bicycle or pedestrian injury claim.

                    Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents Lawyer Toronto
                    Bicyclists and pedestrians have the same right to the roadways as motorists

                    Bicycle Accidents

                    Bicycles are a wonderful and healthy mode of transportation. However, if you ride on city or suburban streets, you should be as conspicuous as possible to motorists and obey all traffic laws since you are obligated to do so. Wearing colorful clothing, having lights on your bike for night riding, staying within marked bike lanes and obeying the traffic laws can reduce your risk of being in an accident.

                    Also, be aware of the common causes of bicycle accidents by motorists:

                    • Dooring (motorist opens door in pathway of bicyclist)
                    • Driving in a bike lane
                    • Passing a cyclist too closely
                    • Failure to yield to bike at an intersection
                    • Distracted driver
                    • Impaired driver
                    • Turning in front of cyclist at light or stop sign
                    • Poorly designed bike lanes

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                      Other factors that lead to accident are road and weather conditions and a defect in the bike that affects the tire or it braking.

                      Drivers should maintain at least 3-feet of space between them and bicyclists and not drive in bike lanes unless making a turn. Before entering a bike lane, the motorist should signal and ensure that no bicyclists are at risk. Motorists in parked vehicles also have a duty to safely open their car doors so as not to interfere with an approaching cyclist.

                      In some cases, a poorly maintained road surface or defectively designed bike lane could leave a municipality liable for a cyclist’s injuries. If the bicycle was negligently manufactured or serviced, the manufacturer or the bike shop that performed the service could also be found responsible. These cases are usually brought if the injuries are severe and permanent since insurers for these parties will vigorously defend their insureds, and negligence can be difficult to prove. Consult a Markham bicycle accident lawyer from Affinity Law if you were injured in a bicycle accident from the fault of another party.

                      Proof of Negligence

                      Typically, in a third party injury claim, the onus is on the plaintiff or injured party to prove that another party’s negligent conduct caused the accident. However, where a bicyclist or pedestrian is the one injured in an accident with a motor vehicle, there is a “reverse onus” pursuant to Section 193(1) of the Highway Traffic Act. This section presumes that the motorist was negligent so that the burden of proof is upon the motorists to demonstrate that they acted reasonably. If they present evidence of their reasonable conduct, then the claimant must present evidence that rebuts it. In many bike accident cases, liability or the degree of fault is challenged so that having an experienced Markham bicycle accident lawyer from Affinity Law is essential so that you can pursue a third-party claim against the responsible motorist.

                      Currently, only minors are required to wear bicycle helmets in Ontario. But you could be found comparatively negligent in an accident even if it was caused by a motorist if you suffered a head injury that evidence shows could have been prevented or minimized if you had worn a helmet. In such cases, your compensation would be decreased by your own degree of fault.

                      Accident Benefits

                      Accident Benefits are available to injured parties in motor vehicle accidents regardless of who was at fault. Injured bike riders can look to their own auto policies for benefits, or to that of a household member such as a parent who possesses a policy. If no policy is available, the injured rider can obtain benefits from the involved vehicle’s insured. If the motorist was uninsured, then the last resort for benefits is through the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund.

                      A claimant needs to notify the insurer from whom benefits are sought within 7-days of the accident. You will receive an Application from the insurer for which you have 30-days to complete and submit. The form Includes a Disability Certificate to be completed by a health provider along with a Treatment Plan if you are unable to return to work or to normal or household activities for any period of time.

                      Your Accident Benefits include:

                      • Income replacement (up to the first 104 weeks if employed and you suffered a substantial inability to perform your work. You may receive more than 104 weeks if you are totally unable to perform work). The maximum payable is $400/week but you may receive more if you paid a higher premium.
                      • Non-earner benefit of $185 per week if you suffered a total inability to carry on a normal life. Payments begin after 26-weeks have passed. You can receive $329 per week if a student or you had completed education in the year before the accident but were not yet employed.
                      • Caregiver benefits if you were a caregiver at home and suffered a catastrophic injury, and you were not being paid.
                      • Medical and rehabilitation if not covered by OHIP or other health and disability plan. You can receive up to $50K over 10-years, but only $3500 if it is a minor injury. In a catastrophic case, you may obtain up to $1M over your lifetime.
                      • Housekeeping benefit in catastrophic injury cases or if you are substantially unable to perform household services that you actually had performed for up to $100 per week.

                      Third Party Claims

                      As an injured rider receiving Accident Benefits, you can also pursue compensation against the responsible party for pain and suffering as well as for lost income and future medical expenses that were not covered under your Accident Benefits. To have a valid third-party claim, your injury must meet a threshold standard, which is that your injury be a permanent serious impairment of an important physical, mental or psychological function, or a serious and permanent disfigurement.

                      A $30,000 deductible remains with the responsible motorist’s insurer if your award for pain and suffering is less than $100,000.

                      Your claim for additional compensation if you meet the threshold injury standard may include the following damages:

                      • Pain and suffering
                      • Diminished quality or enjoyment of life
                      • Past and future medical expenses
                      • Psychological impairment
                      • Past and future income loss
                      • Family Law Act claim by close family members

                      You have 120-days from the date of the accident to notify the other party of your intention to claim damages, and 2-years from the accident to file your claim in court.

                      Pedestrian Accidents

                      A pedestrian is any person on foot, a scooter, long board, wheelchair or bicyclist. When lawfully crossing the street, a pedestrian who is struck by a vehicle is presumed under the law to have had the right of way and fault is ascribed to the motorist pursuant to Section 193 of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, referred to as the “reverse onus’. In other words, the motorist has the burden of proving that he/she was not negligent or responsible for causing the accident. In the typical injury case, the plaintiff or victim has the burden of proving the defendant’s negligence caused the accident. Once the pedestrian demonstrates that she was hit by the motorist, the driver has to prove that he acted lawfully and reasonably under the circumstances.

                      Any age group is vulnerable to motorists when crossing the street or being on the roadway attending a disabled vehicle or for any other reason, though seniors 65 and older seem particularly at risk probably due to moving more slowly across the street or in not being aware of approaching cars from poor eyesight or hearing. They may also be more likely to cross against the light.

                      Injuries in a pedestrian accident can be catastrophic, even if the impact was slight since you can be thrown to the pavement and suffer a traumatic head injury. Other injuries include:

                      • Broken limbs
                      • Fractured pelvis
                      • Internal organ injuries
                      • Spinal injuries, including paralysis
                      • Death

                      Factors in Pedestrian Accidents

                      The factors that lead to pedestrian accidents are numerous:

                      • Impairment
                      • Distraction—cell phone use by driver or pedestrian
                      • Poorly lit or illuminated intersections or roadways
                      • Motorist turning at intersection and not seeing pedestrian in crosswalk
                      • Speeding
                      • Failing to yield to pedestrian
                      • Passing car that had stopped to allow pedestrian to cross
                      • Failing to stop at signal light or stop sign

                      A motorist might argue that the pedestrian was at fault for causing his own injuries. If he can prove the pedestrian was crossing outside of a marked or unmarked crosswalk, was impaired, distracted, or created a dangerous condition such as running into the street, then a court might determine that there is no liability on the part of the motorist or impose a degree of comparative liability on the pedestrian. If the pedestrian was jaywalking, the court will want to determine if the person did not keep a proper lookout before crossing, or if the motorist should have seen the pedestrian in any event and avoided the accident.

                      If the pedestrian is found to be partly at fault, the damages awarded would be reduced by his degree of comparative fault. Ontario’s comparative negligence law can be characterized as a “pure” standard. In the US, many states have a modified comparative negligence standard where the plaintiff’s own negligence cannot be more than 49% or the claim will be dismissed. In Ontario, any degree of comparative negligence will not be fatal to an injury claim, even if it is 99%. It only reduces the damages awarded by the plaintiff’s percentage of fault.

                      Compensation in Pedestrian Injury Claims

                      A pedestrian injured by a motorist can collect Accident Benefits from their own auto liability police if they have one, or from the at-fault driver’s policy. All auto liability policies in Ontario are required to have these benefits.

                      You can collect non-pecuniary damages, or pain and suffering, if your injury was serious and permanent, a serious disfigurement or loss of a limb, or a permanent serious impairment of an important physical, mental or psychological function

                      A claim for Accident Benefits must be submitted within 30-days of the accident. Eligible recipients may recover the following benefits:

                      • Income replacement –Pays up to $400 weekly if your injuries prevented you from working. You can purchase optional benefits for increased payments up to $1,000 per week.
                      • Non-earners—Compensates you for up to 26-weeks if disabled from engaging in normal daily activities at $185 per week
                      • Caregiver—If you are the main caregiver for a dependent and unable to no longer care for them, you can be compensated for hiring someone else. This only covers certain injuries but you can purchase optional coverage that includes all injuries
                      • Medical and rehabilitation—Pays for reasonable and necessary expenses not covered by a government or supplementary health plan
                      • Attendant care—Expenses for hiring a caregiver for yourself due to the injuries caused by the accident
                      • Other—Covers possible lost educational costs, housekeeping and home maintenance expenses, and items damaged in the vehicle
                      • Death and funeral expenses–$25,000 is paid to your spouse, $10,000 to each dependent, and up to $6,000 for funeral costs. Optional coverage can increase these amounts to $50,000 for your spouse, $20,000 to each dependent, and up to $8,000 for funeral costs.

                      In serious cases, your insurer will often attempt to settle your Accident Benefits claim though a settlement cannot be offered until one year from the date of the accident. Once you settle, you can no longer claim these benefits. A settlement can also affect any other claim for additional compensation that you may bring against the motorist who struck you. Be sure to consult with a Markham pedestrian injury lawyer from Affinity Law if you have been offered a settlement.

                      Limits on Medical Payments

                      Medical payments are limited to $3,500 for care not covered by OHIP and if your injuries are deemed “minor” by the insurer. For injuries between “minor” and “catastrophic,” you may claim medical benefits up to $50,000. You are covered for up to $1M for catastrophic injuries such as loss of a limb, vision, paraplegia, or traumatic brain damage.

                      Pain and Suffering

                      Under Canadian law, you are limited in the amount of non-pecuniary damages you can receive, which includes pain and suffering or your diminished ability to enjoy life as you did pre-injury. The cap on these damages is raised annually per the rate of inflation and is currently at $380,912.00. Only the most egregious injuries are awarded the maximum amount.

                      There is no limit on pecuniary or economic damages that covers past and future loss of earnings, medical expenses and care.

                      The law also imposes a deductible on injury awards in car accident cases. As of 2019, there is a deductible of $38,818.97 on awards less than $129,395.49. The deductible does not apply for awards exceeding that amount. These amounts are adjusted yearly for inflation.

                      Hit and Run Accidents

                      Unfortunately, a high number of pedestrian accidents result in the motorist fleeing the scene without stopping to offer assistance, call for help, or to provide the required identification. Many drivers flee for a variety of reasons:

                      • Panic
                      • They are on probation for a prior criminal offense
                      • Intoxication or other impairment
                      • Driving a stolen vehicle
                      • Unlicensed or driving on a suspended license
                      • Uninsured
                      • Possess or transporting contraband
                      • Undocumented immigrant
                      • Unaware of accident

                      If the driver remains unidentified, the pedestrian can still claim Accident Benefits under the unidentified or uninsured provision of their own auto liability policy or one that covers them. If they do not have a policy, they can still collect benefits under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund (MVACF). They may still bring a tort claim against the MVACF as well. Third party claims brought under the unidentified or uninsured provision or against the MVACF are limited to $200,000.

                      Pedestrian accidents are not always clear-cut cases of liability. Also, there are often other issues such as collection of Accident Benefits and bringing a claim against the responsible motorist or an uninsured claim. To be sure you are compensated to the fullest extent possible, consult and retain a Markham pedestrian accident lawyer from Affinity Law.

                      Call us today for a free consultation at 1 844 786 5291

                      If you need help, schedule a free consultation by calling us at

                      1 844 786 5291

                      or email us at


                      (We look forward to helping you gain the compensation you deserve.)

                      We serve the whole Greater Toronto Area including
                      Markham, Hamilton, Caledon and Ajax.